About us

The Text and Transmission Research Seminar is hosted by Giorgia Nicosia (Universiteit Gent), Marion Pragt (KU Leuven), Andy Hilkens (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) and Dan Batovici (Universität Wien) in an effort to put together in the same room on-going projects on various traditions and historical contexts. Since April 2020, our meetings are held online, via Zoom, normally at 10 am CET, unless otherwise indicated next to the date of the paper

Starting from June 2021, we are also hosting a small number of lectures and other events complementary to our regular series of seminar papers. These, as well as the seminar papers for which the authors wish to, will be recorded and made available on the TeTra Youtube page. The papers below that have hyperlinks were recorded and are available there.

If you’d like to attend any of the lectures or seminar papers, or to ask any question, please get in touch with the convenors Giorgia NicosiaMarion PragtAndy Hilkens, or Dan Batovici.

Former co-host: Valentina Duca (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem / KU Leuven), 2021–2023.

Should you like to have a peek at how this started, see the material kindly prepared by TRN, “Of Texts, Transmission, and Material Cultures: The TeTra Seminar and How It Began.”