TeTra on Youtube

Since we are deeply committed to communicating to broader audiences, many of our seminars – and all of our lectures – are recorded. This page offers the list of TeTra Papers and Lectures that were recorded and made available on our Youtube channel:


Lea Niccolai (University of Cambridge)
Who needs words? Philo of Alexandria on the writtenness of Scripture [January 23, 2025]

Ted Erho (Universität Hamburg/Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
A letter of Alexander I of Alexandria preserved in Ethiopic [January 15, 2025]

Piril Us MacLennan (UGent)
Cognitive Mapping and Spatial Hierarchies in Attaleiates’ History [December 19, 2024]

Benedetta Contin (Universität Wien)
Models of Interpretations: Post-Chalcedonian Armenian Theological Texts and Problems [December 5, 2024]

Daria Elagina (Universität Hamburg), 
The Reception of the Chronicle of John of Nikiu in Ethiopia and Eritrea [November 28, 2024]

Andrew Hochstedler (Oxford)
Mary’s ‘Syriac’ Assumption: The Sleep of Souls and the Fate of the Virgin in the Earliest Syriac Dormition Literature [November 7, 2024]

Book in the Spotlight:
Valentina Duca 
(Hebrew University),
‘Exploring Finitude’: Weakness and Integrity in Isaac of Nineveh, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 309 (Leuven, 2022).
Discussant: Emiliano Fiori (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia) [September 9, 2024]

Khachik Harutyunyan (Matenadaran)
Daily Life in Armenian Colophons [August 29, 2024]

Sophia Dege-Müller (Universität Hamburg)
Scribes at work – the transmission of texts from Ethiopian Christians to Beta Israel (Ethiopian Jewish) [July 4, 2024]

Martina Palladino (UGent)
The Sanskrit Yasna and Its Philological Project [June 7, 2024]

Benjamin Sharkey (University of Oxford)
Literacy, transmission and translation: the epigraphic evidence of an East Syriac community in Mongol-era Kyrgyzstan [May 23, 2024]

TeTra Lecture | Marianna Shreve Simpson (University of Pennsylvania, Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies)
Dioscorides Disordered: A Fragmentary Kitab-i Hashayish (Book of Herbs) in Philadelphia [May 15, 2024]

Mina Monier (MF Norwegian School of Theology, Oslo)
A Quest for the Pericope Adulterae: A Historical Assessment of ibn Kabar and ibn al–ʿAssāl’s Notes [May 9, 2024]

Monika Amsler (Universität Bern)
Creative Work with Excerpts: A Lesson from the Babylonian Talmud [April 25, 2024]

Aneta Dimitrova (Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”)
The Two Complete Slavonic Translations of John Chrysostom’s Homilies on the Statues and Their Greek Sources [April 11, 2024]

Peter Van Nuffelen (UGent)
Andreas, the brother of Magnus and his chronography: towards a new history of Greek chronicle writing [March 19, 2024]

Oana Maria Cojocaru (Tampere University)
Dis/ability and Byzantine Hagiography [January 25, 2024]

TeTra Lecture | Jost Gippert (Universität Hamburg)
The Written Heritage of Caucasian Albanian [January 24, 2024]

Veronika Wieser (Austrian Academy)
Reduce, reuse, recycle: structure, authorial strategies and methodological problems in Gennadius of Marseille’s De viris illustribus [November 30, 2023]

Ugo Mondini (University of Oxford)
The Poet John Mauropous: Reflections on poetry and literature in eleventh-century Byzantium [November 16, 2023]

Reyhan Durmaz (UPenn)
Rural lives and global visions between Syria, Armenia, and Rome in the Life of Aḥo of Rishʿayno: Introductory notes on a new translation project [October 26, 2023]

Philip Forness (KU Leuven)
The Role of the Bible in Shaping Historiographical Imagination: The Ecclesiastical History of Pseudo-Zachariah (fl. c. 568/569) [October 5, 2023]

Aaron Butts (Universität Hamburg), in collaboration with Ted Erho (Universität Hamburg / Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
The Ethiopic Version of the Life of Abraham of Qidun (CPG 3937): A New Trajectory in the Ethiopic Reception of Syriac Literature [September 21, 2023]

Giovanni Gomiero (UGent)
“While one brother was a writer, the other was a bookbinder”: literary activity and East Syrian monks in Thomas of Marga’s works (9th century) [August 28, 2023]

Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent (Marquette University)
Change of Taste: The Power and Paradoxes of Food in Ancient Christianity [July 27, 2023]

Aashu Mattackal (KU Leuven)
The Scriptural Basis for the Soul’s Journey towards Perfection in Origen’s Homilies [June 15, 2023]

TeTra Lecture | Hagith Sivan (The University of Kansas)
Why not teach girls Greek and Torah? Rabbinic views on the transmission of knowledge from fathers to daughters in late antiquity [May 22, 2023]

Nina Vanhoutte (UGent)
The horse-loving man who teaches – Niketas of Herakleia’s didactic poem On Syntax [June 7, 2023]

Noam Maeir (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Greek Loanwords in Syriac Literature: New Findings [May 23, 2023]

Chloé Agar (University of Oxford)
The Transmission of Traditions in Coptic Hagiography: The Dichotomy between Christian and Pagan Practices [April 27, 2023]

TeTra Lecture | Margaret Cormack (College of Charleston)
Medieval Icelandic Ecclesiastical Charters and Cartularies [March 13, 2023]

Alexey Muraviev (HSE Moscow / University of Tübingen)
The Church of the East and the origin of the first Barlaam and Josaphat: Kekelidze’s idea revisited [March 9, 2023]

Matthijs Zoeter (UGent)
The Entropy of Basil of Caesarea’s Letter Collection [January 26, 2023]

Nafisa Valieva (College de France)
Textual unit: its physical and logical articulation in the Geez (Ethiopic) “Gadla Lalibala collection” [December 8, 2022]

Sabrina Inowlocki (KU Leuven)
From the Hand of the Slave to the Hand of the Saint: Pamphilus of Caesarea and Autography [December 1, 2022]

Serena Causo (UGent)
Use and Transmission of Legal sources in petitions from Roman Egypt: scribal practices and the representation of power [November 21, 2022]

Nathan Gibson (LMU Munich)
Circumnavigating Jewish and Christian Realities: What the Polemicist al-Jāḥiẓ Didn’t Want to Admit about His Society [November 10, 2022]

András Kraft (Universität Wien)
A proleptic conflict: apocalypsis and apokatastasis in late eleventh-century Constantinople [October 27, 2022]

Dan Batovici (KU Leuven/UCLouvain)
The Clementine Catholic Epistles in Syriac [October 6, 2022]

Seth M. Stadel (University of Oxford)
Biblical Interpretation in Pre-Islamic Persia: Aḥob of Qatar and the Sources of his Old Testament Exegetical Works [September 9, 2022]

Lieve Van Hoof (UGent)
In cauda venenum: The end of Libanius’ letter collection and Foerster’s edition [August 18, 2022]

Lara Sels (KU Leuven)
Editing Slavonic in the light of a Greek source text. The case of Pseudo-Proclus of Constantinople, In sanctam Pentecosten (CPG 5815) [July 14, 2022]

Michele Trizio (Università degli Studi di Bari)
The Tradition of the Middle Byzantine Philosophical Works: a Sociological Approach [May 26, 2022]

Marijke Kooijman (UGent)
Leo of God or Leo of Rome? The overt and hidden authority of Bishop Leo of Rome in a fifth-century Constantinopolitan letter collection on the Council of Chalcedon (AD 451) [May 5, 2022]

Emiliano Fiori (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia)
Homer against Origen: Two Neglected Letters in Syriac of the 6th Century [April 7, 2022]

Shlomi Efrati (KU Leuven)
Traditions, Transmission, and The Blurry Edges of Rabbinic Composition(s) [March 24, 2022]

Marina Rustow (Princeton)
Stitching, Bundling and Provisional Binding: Physical Traces of Archiving Practices in Geniza Documents [March 10, 2022]

TeTra Lecture | Françoise Briquel-Chatonnet (CNRS Paris)
Multilingualism and multiculturalism in Northern Syria between Aramaic and Greek from the beginning of our era to Late Antiquity, as seen from epigraphy [January 19, 2022]

Shiva Mihan (IAS Princeton)
Text transmission and editing in 15th-century Iran under the Timurid Prince Baysunghur [November 22, 2021]

Philip Wood (Aga Khan University)
Accounts of the Arab conquests of the seventh century in the Chronicle of Michael the Syrian [October 14, 2021]

Pouyan Rezvani (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften München)
Between education and patronage: a classification of Arabic astrolabe texts in the 10th and 11th centuries A.D. [August 9, 2021]

TeTra Lecture | Michael E. Stone (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
The Apocrypha and their Role in the Armenian Embroidered Bible [June 28, 2021]