TeTra 2025 Programme

The Text and Transmission Research Seminar is hosted by Giorgia Nicosia (Universiteit Gent), Marion Pragt (KU Leuven), Andy Hilkens (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) and Dan Batovici (Universität Wien) and aims to put together in the same room on-going projects on various traditions and historical contexts – online, normally at 10 am CET unless otherwise noted next to the date of the paper.

January 15

Ted Erho (Universität Hamburg/Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
A letter of Alexander I of Alexandria preserved in Ethiopic

January 23

Lea Niccolai (University of Cambridge)
Who needs words? Philo of Alexandria on the writtenness of Scripture

February 6

Mateusz Kusio (KU Leuven)
The Manuscript Tradition of Commodianus: On the Reception of an Obscure Poet

February 19, 4pm CET | TeTra Lecture:

Willy Clarysse (KU Leuven)
Remnants of Christian books from the second to to the eight centuries AD

March 6

Georgi Mitov (ÖAW / University of Vienna)
The (Deified) Human Body: Some Aspects of the Study of Byzantine Funeral Rites

March 27

Guillermo Menéndez Sanchez (UGent)
The figure of Addas-Adimantus in Christian heresiology and his impact on the image of Manichaeism

April 17, 4 pm CET | TeTra Lecture:

Robin Darling Young (The Catholic University of America)
The Transformation of the Letters of Evagrius, from Greek to Syriac and Armenian

April 24

Federico Alpi (University of Florence/FSCIRE)
Entangled creed(s): The Armenian version of the Didascalia CCCXVIII Patrum in context

May 8

Antonietta Castiello (Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg)
The memory of the Palmyrene diaspora through its inscriptions

May 29

Martina Ambu (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Translations of Salama

June 5

Boško Erić (University of East Sarajevo)
New insights in the Letter of Mara bar Serapion

June 19, 4 pm CET

Kayla Dang (Saint Louis University)
The unusual travels of ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib’s covenant with the Zoroastrians

July tba

Jasmine Dum-Tragut (Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg)
Medieval Armenian horse medical books and their role in the equine world east of Byzantium

July 18

Bishara Ebeid (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia)

August 14

Lewis Read (University of Vienna)
Accessing the place of memory: digital tools for the study of Armenian colophons

September tbd

Carlo Emilio Biuzzi (UGhent / EPHE)
Western Syriac Kanonessammlungen: A Renewed Description of Canonical Manuscripts from the 6th to the 8th Century

September 25, 4 pm CET

Blossom Gordana Champlain (MF Norwegian School of Theology, Oslo)
Trafficking the Fathers: paradoxes of race and heritage in the possession of the Christian past

October 23

Anna Ohanjanyan (Matenadaran / Yerevan State University)
The Armenian collection Tōnapatchaṛ: the recension of the school of Haghpat

November 6, 4 pm CET

Ellen Muehlberger (University of Michigan)

November 20

Emilio Bonfiglio (Universität Hamburg)
Early Armenian Historiography and Textual Criticism: New Manuscript Finds and Old Challenges

December 1

Federica Gigante (University of Oxford)
Slavery and the European encounter with Islamic material culture